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DVB-T2 and the digital terrestrial television via Wi-Fi

Tuesday 24 September 2013 | Big news in our DVB catalogue: discover our new digital terrestrial devices

We are proud to introduce the new digital terrestrial receivers with innovative and exciting features!

TS6700 T2HD

TS6700T2HDThe new digital terrestrial receiver, fully compatible with the DVB-T2 standard, which grants a better reception of the TV signal and a higher quality of video and audio.
TS6700 T2HD allows you to watch and record via USB your favourite TV shows and to play your personal files (videos, music and images) as a media player.
It is easy to use thanks to its automatic features, come to try it!


Wi.TV is the new way to watch the TV! Feel free to move everywhere in your house while you follow a football match or a TV movie with every device (iPhone, iPad, Android smartphone and tablet, MAC or PC), because Wi.TV can transfer the digital terrestrial signal in wireless through your own Wi-Fi lan or acting as an indipendent hotspot (so the internet connection is not needed!).
Intrigued? Click here!

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